Kota bandung ini seharusnya mulai diperhatikan lagi terhadap perkembangan tata kotanya. Khususnya terhadap jajaran terkait yaitu pejabat di lingkup pemkot untuk segera mengurus perkembangan tata ruang lingkup kota yang sudah semakin padat. Sejatinya, kota bandung merupakan kota yang sangat indah dan sangat layak untuk dikembangkan menjadi kota internasional dunia. Belajar dari pengalaman perkembangan kota-kota didataran tinggi cina seperti shenzen dan guangzho yang sekarang sudah berstatus kota dunia yang memiliki bandara internasional berkelas. Bandung sudah memiliki tempat jajan makanan yang tersebar hampir diseluruh kota, yang selalu ramai oleh anak-anak muda baik di hari biasa maupun akhir pekan. Begitu banyak rumah-rumah mode yang kalau di tata rapi, bisa menjadi seperti chinatown atau jalanan di kota hongkong. Ditambah pula dengan iklim bandung yang sejuk, dimana seharusnya setiap manusia bisa menghirup udara segar sepanjang hari.
Indonesia seharusnya memiliki kota wisata dunia selain bali di bandung. Semuanya telah tersedia lengkap di bandung, dari pusat jajan kaki lima bergaya "alfresco" yang mengusung konsep terbuka, pusat-pusat perbelanjaan bergaya shooping arcade seperti di eropa dan bandara yang seharusnya di kembangkan lagi menjadi bandara paling elite di indonesia. Semuanya untuk kebaikan bersama agar indonesia semakin dikenal sebagai kota pariwisata "bonafide" dan juga kota bandung pada khususnya untuk meningkatkan citra pariwisata yang lebih baik dimata nasional dan internasional.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Bandung seharusnya tidak terlalu padat
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9:17 AM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Custom-essay.org service
What do you feel difficult to write your essays, Essay Thesis, research papers, term papers, personal narrative essay, and dissertation? You have any task of it, but you haven't know yet where or who that will be able to help writing your papers? If so, I have a good answer for you all, you can visit at custom-essay.org and let them as the expert do all of your papers needs. What is the custom-essay.org? Custom-essay.org is the right place for all of your needs. The idea behind this site is very good I think, when the school, academic, college and university at this moment is commonly give any difficulty tasks and the difficult level of it is different each others. Because of that, custom-essay.org comes in. All of your needs has been answered, and next in paragraph 2 you will see more details about services of this site.
There are some benefits why you should use custom-essay.org to help your essay needs. They also offer the Essay Writing Tips to make you more educated about it. The first it they offer the quality as ultimate goal. You have known, the quality is number one for output of essays, they have some expert writers from many fields of skills. The second is zero plagiarism policy: free plagiarism report. It is to ensure that papers is 100% original content. You are lucky can get papers that 100% no plagiarism. The third is 24/7 personal customer care. In this section you can make direct communication with writer, 24/7 order tracking system, multiple order delivery option, revision system, and many more. Good facilities I think! How with the price? The variety of price is depends upon any factors, like: paper complexity, type of work, and the date. See for more details on the web.
You aren't wrong to try its service. Good quality custom papers writing with the best price. You will get easier in writing papers with this site. Please to visit at this site now for more details information and make sure you are in the right place, custom-essay.org. Success for you!
Diposting oleh
11:19 AM
Label: contoh paid review
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Best Auto Insurance
Are you looking for the auto insurance quotes? Now, since live in this world be the uncertain, I feel everyone need to insure all of their aspects life. It's so important, because something may be able to "attack" anyone like: an accident, car stolen, damage of car, fire damage, water damage, cyclone, and many more. Disaster has been happen, but we have not yet insured everything that we had. It has been late, late to save and protect all of your thing that has been damage and loss. Because of that, you are right to start thinking that insurance is so important in your life. If you like it, the simple way for you, please use your internet and access a web at carinsurancerates.com. Welcome, you are in the right web to could get all about information of auto insurance for the major and others insurance services.
Explore and find all of this site to make you more friendly with auto insurance and others insurance. This site is like a blog because there are navigation and many recent articles in the homepage. All of its articles wrote by some experts to guiding you more educated with insurance. Free quotes, but multiple insurance. Get free quotes for any vehicle, anywhere, get quotes from the nation's top insurance agencies, choose the policy that fits your lifestyle best. And good news for this site, they have had experience since 1997 in providing car insurance quotes. So, what are you waiting for? Get free quotes today for your vehicle.
Diposting oleh
8:56 AM
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Label: contoh paid review
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sports Picks
Do you like sport? What kinds of sports do you like? Football? Hockey? Or basketball? Now, for you that like those sports, can start to turn on your computer, connect to the internet, and browse to www.addictsports.com.
And then, you are free to do whatever, share your experience, tell a story, give an opinion, searching any information, ask a question, answer the question, and more........because addictsports.com is a forum. This forum discusses all about sport, for especially is baseball. And so, for the fans of baseball, this forum is an interesting place! Although so, the fans / mania of football, basketball, hockey and others is still be able to join, because in addition to baseball, those others sports genres is enough interesting to be talked in this forum. What are you waiting for? For addict sports, you will find college football picks, football picks, and more.
Diposting oleh
9:35 AM
Label: contoh paid review
Insurance Portal
In the modern life, insurance has been the most important thing. There are many types of insurance, health insurance, auto insurance, home insurance, education insurance, life insurance and many more. And there are also many insurance companies in the world. The rates and offers is different each others, but you are sure, you will choose the best for it. This meant, the cheapest cost, but the quality and offer is number one. But remember, there are so many insurance companies in this world, and of course, you don't want to spend anymore time to looking for and compare one by one insurance company. And then, is there a way that simple, efficient, and inexpensive to shop for insurance quotes? Yes, there is at www.insurancerate.com. It is the answer for you all.
This website is an insurance portal that covers most major lines of insurance. This is an creative and innovative idea, and I feel, has been never website like this in the world. Would you like to know what offers by this website? (from insurancerate.com).
We partner with the nation's largest insurance carriers to bring you low-cost, high-value insurance rates. Our site functions as a one-stop-shopping destination for all of your insurance rate needs. We can offer you quotes on insurance rates on a variety of policies, including auto, condo, health, home, life, and renters insurance. Our unique quote system allows you to compare up to five policies side-by-side in plain, straightforward language. In this way, you can be su re you are making apples-to-apples comparisons. Further, our insurers must compete for your business with their top rivals, which provides added incentive to deliver the lowest insurance rates possible. Invest in your future with a quality insurance policy by applying for insurance rates today.
What are you waiting for?
Read More......
Diposting oleh
9:25 AM
Label: contoh paid review
Debt Consolidation
Do you have problem with your financial? Do you have to pay all of your debt? Do bill collectors leave more messages on your machine than your friends and family? Get it for your information, now I'm talking a great solution for you. With it, you can make free consultation to consolidate your debts and improve credit scores. Otherwise, you will be able to reduce your total debt liabilities and group all of your monthly debt responsibilities into one low monthly payment. Who is of "it?" No Debt Today, you can access it directly from your browser, only to type www.nodebttoday.com.
There are some types of debts consolidation program, choose one or each of it depends on your needs. For it, previously, you can determine which program fits your best, use the simple form to get free online debt consultation and process it. There is no obligation for you to commit it today, wherever and whenever you are, you can. Once again, determine how your situation now, and fit with the right consolidate program.
1. Consolidate many debts.
Multiple debt types you can consolidate here, including secured or unsecured loans.
2. Credit cards only.
Credit card debt is right to consolidate here.
3. Other services.
More informations please reach the website now.
What are you waiting for? It is the right time for you to make free consultation about all of your debts problem today only at nodebttoday.com.
Diposting oleh
9:11 AM
Label: contoh paid review
Cash Advance Payday Loans
Are you having a financial problem now? needing a cash advance? Caught between paychecks? And you are needing payday loans? Don't need to go far to bank or request loan from your friend or your family, but sit down in front of your computer and type www.personalcashadvance.com at your browser. So, you have been in the last step and only need one step again to get cash advance loan. For your information, personal cash advance is a top tier payday loan and cash advance provider. Personal cash advance is the fastest way to obtain secure, online cash advance and payday loans. Simple, don't need tons of documents, collaterals, and others cases, but it is just enough to fill out form that provided by online, and only need a few minutes.
And next you need to do step by step below to could get payday loan through personalcashadvance.com.
1. Read and completer personal cash advance online form (free). It is important that you answer each required question accurately to expedite your data being accepted by one of personal cash advance service providers.
2. Your loan representative will contact you via phone or email to confirm your details and complete the processing of your application. In some cases, it maybe necessary to fax in certain documents to support the information you submit online. This process is determined by the service provider that services you.
3. Once you have completed the process with your service provider, they will be able to deposit your payday loan electronically.
Would you like to have cash advance loan tomorrow? Sign up today at personalcashadvance.com
Diposting oleh
8:55 AM
1 komentar
Label: contoh paid review
Perfect Cash Advance
Live in the world is so complex, with many problems that's happen. One of it is financial problem, which many people being on it in their life because the high cost and it's not cheap to complete all of their needs. Or, maybe you are needing a cash advance in short time, because there are urgent needs. Or, may your child is on an transition situation to be a adult, and he / she want you to buy his / her a new motorcycle. Or, maybe if you are thinking to developing your business so can give more benefits for you, but in reality, you need a cash advance to make it become the real.
And then, is there one can help you? The answer is very interesting, there is. You only need to visit www.perfectcashadvance.com through your computer. You be able to get the payday loan with easier, faster, and professional. Perfect! With need to fill out the simple form, and next in 5 minutes, you are on a big opportunity to get payday loans up to $1,500. Yes, this is right, perfectcashadvance.com is a cash advance site that helps consumers meet short term monetary emergencies, with a focus on having the consumer not refinance, to save money in the long run. Many of cash advance lenders can offer you these attractive qualities:
- Cash deposited directly into your account on the next business day.
- Quick and easy - no faxing in many cases.
- Safety and security guaranteed.
- 100% online form.
The simple requirements: Regular income at least $1,000 and you have a bank account. What are you waiting for?
Diposting oleh
8:38 AM
Label: contoh paid review
Auto Loan
Are you looking for an auto loan for a new car? Or are you looking for automobile refinance options? Don't worry, you don't need again to go out leave your home or thinking it will be you on difficult situation. No matter with your financial condition. Now, you only need to sit down in front of your computer, and starting to turn on your computer, and then access to the internet and type www.getthebestautoloan.com at your browser. And you are now in a great place to start. For your information, Get The Best Auto Loan is dedicated to finding you the best rates no matter where you are purchasing your vehicle. How it work? Get The Best Auto Loan work with the nation's top lenders to offer you the lowest interest rates available with affordable monthly payment to match. By making auto loan lenders compete for your business, you are guaranteed the lowest market rates - it's easy to see why Get The Best Auto Loan is the internet's preferred source for auto loans and auto financing!
Getthebestautoloan.com specializes in the education of consumers interested in auto financing (via the auto loan blog); it is Get The Best Auto Loan hope that through the goodwill of information desemination that financing interest will translate through to Get The Best Auto Loan partners. There are 3 auto loans that you can choose:
1. Loans for new cars
2. Loans for used cars
3. Refinance your current auto loan
What are you waiting for? Get started now!
Diposting oleh
8:12 AM
Label: contoh paid review
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tips agar badan dan pikiran tetap sehat
Berikut beberapa tips agar psikis dan fisik anda terasa segar dan bugar setiap hari:
1. Istirahat yang berkualitas.
Istirahat berhubungan dengan tempat tinggal, aktivitas dan lingkungan. Tidur malam adalah salah satu hal yang paling penting untuk menunjang kesehatan pikiran dan badan. Pastikan anda selalu merasa nyaman untuk tidur malam anda, dengan suasana kamar yang sejuk, tenang (tidak berisik), dan bersih. Tidurlah dengan nyenyak tanpa pikiran selama 7-8 jam.
2. Tempat tinggal yang nyaman, tenang, dan bersih.
Pengaruh dari hal ini akan sangat mengganggu kinerja otak dan faktor psikologis. Bagaimana rasanya kalau setiap hari anda selesai beraktifitas dengan keadaaan suasana rumah yang berisik, bising, kotor dan tidak nyaman? pilihlah baik-baik lingkungan yang tenang, nyaman, dan bersih sebelum anda salah menentukan tempat tinggal yang tepat. Bagaimana otak dan pikiran anda bisa rileks dengan suasana rumah yang seperti pasar?
3. Makan makanan yang sehat.
Pola makan anda akan sangat menentukan kesehatan tubuh dan berpengaruh besar terhadap daya tahan tubuh. Terlebih lagi makanan yang anda makan akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap "bentuk fisik" dari setiap manusia. Kalau anda mau terlihat segar, makanlah makanan yang segar-segar seperti sayur sop, sukiyaki, sayur bayam, ayam rebus, tahu kukus, buah-buah segar, dll. Usahakan proses pembuatan makanan yang anda konsumsi tidak mengandung lemak jenuh yang tinggi, kolesterol, dan zat-zat yang berbahaya seperti pewarna dan pengawet. makanan yang pengolahannya dengan dikukus, direbus atau dipanggang akan lebih baik daripada yang di goreng.
4. Olahraga secara teratur.
Hal yang 1 ini jangan anda sepelekan. Lupa / malas berolahraga seminggu saja dapat membuat otot-otot tubuh menjadi kendur dan tubuh anda akan terasa loyo serta pikiran anda menjadi mumet. Selalu buat jadwal yang baik untuk berolahraga, misal: seminggu 3 kali atau setiap hari pun juga tidak apa-apa. Olahraga yang baik dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, melancarkan peredaran darah dan menguatkan otot-otot yang kendur. Vitalitas anda akan tetap terjaga sepanjang hari.
5. Manajemen pikiran / pola pikir.
Hidup ini memang kompleks, setiap orang pasti dirundung masalah. Pikiran anda harus back to nature, maksudnya pikirkanlah apa yang harus anda lakukan untuk diri anda sendiri. Miasl: pola makan, pola tidur, pola akrifitas, rekreasi, dsb. Jangan campur adukkan pikiran anda dengan orang lain. Hadapi saja apa yang sedang anda alami saat ini, toh tidak selamanya anda bakal hidup seperti itu. Yang terpenting: buat perencanaan untuk masa depan anda, jangan urusin orang lain. Dan 1 lagi yang harus anda ingat, selalu dekatkan diri anda dengan Tuhan dan "berkomunikasilah" denganNya sesering mungkin.
Diposting oleh
10:56 AM
Label: tips dan trik gaya hidup
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Carrefour - retailer hypermarket terbesar di indonesia
Sebenarnya carrefour bukan murni buatan dalam negeri, tapi dari salah satu negeri di eropa yaitu perancis. Merek dagang carrefour sudah begitu mendunia, termasuk juga di indonesia. Sebenarnya di indonesia ada beberapa perusahaan serupa carrefour yang berupa hypermarket, seperti giant hypermart dan hypermart dari yang tadinya matahari supermarket. Carrefour membuka gerai-gerai hypermarnya di mal-mal "berbintang lima" di indonesia. Sudah ada 40 gerai lebih yang telah tersebar diseluruh tanah air, mulai dari medan sampai makassar. Dipulau jawa adalah gerai carrefour terbanyak seperti dikota-kota besar seperti jakarta, bandung, semarang, surabaya, yogyakarta, dll. Jakarta dan bandung serta surabaya adalah kota-kota yang banyak "dihinggapi" kaum urban, tak salah kalau di bandung aja sudah ada 5 gerai carrefour seperti di mal lingkar selatan, paris van java mal, carrefour kiara condong, carrefour braga citywalk, dan baru-baru ini ada carrefour express di lahan bekas gedung alfa supermarket.
Diposting oleh
10:44 AM
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Label: gaya hidup metropolitan
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Potret kehidupan malam di mal-mal utama bandung
Mungkin yang belum pernah ke bandung sama sekali, anda bisa lihat screenshot-screenshot berikut yang diambil secara acak dari seluruh foto yang ada di jagad maya. Suasana kota metropolis bandung, banyak warga yang lari ke PVJ, BIP, BSM, BCW, dll. Silakan nikmati foto-foto dunia kehidupan malam dari bandung:
Diposting oleh
9:48 AM
Label: bandung in night
Tentang Plaza Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta
Siapa bilang mal bagus dan besar cuman di jakarta doang? Hiuh,...terlalu sombong kalau begitu jakarta, kan masih banyak mal-mal modern dan besar selain di jakarta, seperti bandung supermal, paris van java, java supermal (semarang), DP mall (semarang), olympic garden mal (malang), tunjungan plaza (surabaya), supermal pakuwon (surabaya), empire palace (surabaya), dll. Kalau di yogyakarta sendiri ada plaza ambarrukmo, grand indonesianya jakarta. Dibandingkan dengan plaza indonesia sendiri mungkin masih lebih modern amplaz (ambarrukmo plaza) karena mal ini relatif baru dibandingkan dengan pi yang udah uzur. Tenant-tenant berkelas ada di amplaz, seperti centro lifestyle department store, starbucks coffee, breadtalk, guardian, kenari djaja, timezone, toko gramedia yang luas dan tentu saja hotspot. Mal dengan hall yang cukup luas dan lapang ini terdiri dari 5 tingkat dan memiliki 1 tingkat lagi dibagian paling atas untuk mushola. Memiliki gedung parkir yang luas dan lapang, rasanya bukan jakarta saja yang boleh sombong dengan plaza indonesianya. Berikut foto-foto tentang amplaz:
Diposting oleh
7:59 AM
Label: yogyakarta mal
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Bali, kota wisata dunia di indonesia
Bali sebenarnya merupakan nama pulau di indonesia yang berada berseberangan dengan pulau jawa bagian timur. Ibukotanya adalah denpasar yang dikelilingi beberapa fasilitas hotel bintang lima, bandara internasional ngurah rai, perumahan-perumahan mewah, villa-villa orang kaya, padang golf berstandard internasional, dan masih banyak lagi. Suasana di pulau bali belum seramai dengan keadaan di pulau jawa, anda masih bisa berjalan kaki santai disepanjang pantai kuta, menyusuri keindahan pantai kuta dengan keadaan yang tenang, nyaman dan damai. Suasana tidak hiruk pikuk seperti di jakarta, bandung, atau surabaya, pastinya hari istirahat anda baik di denpasar, kuta, atau nusa dua menjadi tidak terusik dan sangat cocok untuk menghilangkan stress akibat suasana kacau balau di kota-kota besar.
Tinggal beberapa hari di pulau bali sangat mengagumkan, tidak terlihat seperti sedang berada di indonesia, tapi itulah indonesia, indonesia yang menawarkan nuansa kenyamanan dan pengalaman baru. Cobalah untuk menetap di hotel di denpasar, kuta, atau nusa dua, atau sewa villa saja kalau anda keluarga besar, lalu siapkan hari ceria anda berkeliling pulau bali. Ada beberapa pusat belanja terkenal di pulau ini seperti discovery shopping mal, bali galeria mal, sogo bali collection, kuta square, dll. Di pulau ini juga banyak sekali hotel-hotel berbintang lima, pengrajin-pengrajin seni lukis, ukir, batik, industri kerajinan tangan dari patung, cafe-cafe cosy, hotspot, dll. Jika anda baik turis lokal maupun mancanegara yang ingin melepas penat dari suasana kehidupan metropolitan, bisa berwisata dengan damai di pulau ini.
Diposting oleh
9:31 AM
Label: Segalanya tentang bali
Tips menghemat pengeluaran berbelanja
Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
1. Buat rencana dari rumah, catat baik-baik apa saja yang perlu untuk dibelanjakan.
2. Usahakan buat catatan hanya untuk barang-barang yang dibutuhkan saja, hindari barang-barang yang tidak / belum perlu.
3. Siapkan uang pas untuk acara belanja anda. Usahakan uangnya pas, misal: 50.000, 100.000, atau 200.000.
4. Ingat, anda sedang mengeluarkan uang, bukan mencari uang. Ingat itu!
5. Tentukan tempat berbelanja yang menawarkan harga-harga murah, misal: Minimarket, Grosir, Supermarket, atau Hypermarket.
6. Tahan nafsu anda terhadap barang-barang lain, ingat poin nomor 4 tadi.
7. Bayar barang belanjaan anda, dengan uang yang telah disiapkan, usahakan harga barang yang anda beli pas / mendekati rencana budget belanja anda dari rumah.
8. Selamat mencoba....
Diposting oleh
8:03 AM
1 komentar
Label: tips dan trik gaya hidup
Monday, July 14, 2008
Zenni Optical Stylish Prescription Eyeglasses
Nowadays, eyeglasses has been the primary necessity for most people. Long time ago, eyeglasses made to help the abnormal eyes vision like minus, plus, or cylinder. And now are in modern life, eyeglasses is also used as fashion. Because this phenomenon, was born an innovative and creative website, namely is zennioptical.com.
You can buy style prescription glasses through zennioptical.com. Additional information for it, Zenni Optical was on FOX news! Many choice of style. You will have Incredible Stylish New Frames From Zenni. It all use the strong and high quality materials. All of its price has relative cheap, for example is Zenni Optical $8 Rx Eyeglasses. Those eyeglasses has been selling at zennioptical.com is style prescription glasses with the newest style and high quality design. Make payment with your credit card. What are you waiting for? Buy your style prescription glasses now at zennioptical.com
Diposting oleh
9:37 AM
Label: contoh paid review
Fire Casinos
Do you feel difficult to find the really honest online casino on the internet? Do you want to find online casinos that offers fast payouts, better odds, good game graphics and sounds with faster and easier? Would you like to know where you can find it?
Just to type www.firecasinos.com on your browser, and then you will see a site that has beautiful appearance. Firecasinos.com is one of most best online casino list website on the web. This site is filled out with tons of useful information, education, and tips and tricks about online gambling and online casinos. Are you ready to enjoy casino games with best graphics and sounds? Visit this site today, and you will get all of you hoped.
Diposting oleh
9:07 AM
Label: contoh paid review
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Cash Advance Writeup
It you should know if you are having bills to pay. It are called payday loans or cash advances. If so, you can visit at this site, payeveryone.net. With simple design and navigation, on this homepage site you will find many useful informations about what is payday loan and how it work by detailed. This is the best solution for you to get the best payday loan by the right lender just to fill out a simple form.
Payeveryone.net online makes it even easier for you to acquire a debt saving payday loan. If you don't understand yet about how payday loan work, this is a simple illustration: Payday loan are here to help people who need of cash fast and can't wait for their next paycheck. The loans are usually around 500-1500 dollars which will then, if approval, be forwarded to your specified bank account through direct deposit. The amount that you can receive may is vary from lender to lender and it result is also depending with your payment plan options.
I think those all can help your financial problem rightly. I like this site, a great idea which would like to help everyone in worldwide. Free, no cost, with simple terms and condition. Would you like to have payday loans for 1000 dollars at this moment? Here is the right place for you to visit now at payeveryone.net, good luck!
Diposting oleh
8:44 AM
Label: contoh paid review
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Jakarta dan Surabaya saingan mal
Perkembangan kedua kota metropolitan di indonesia ini kian hari kian bersaing khususnya dalam pembangunan mal, apartment, conference hall dan atribut-atribut kota metropolitan lainnya. Misalnya Surabaya baru-baru ini memiliki landmark baru untuk ruang conference hall yaitu Gramedia Expo. Landmark baru kota surabaya itu untuk menandingin JCC yang paling santer di seantaro indonesia. Begitu juga dengan mal Cito Surabaya yang sekarang terus berbenah dengan terus mengisi setiap sudut ruang dengan tenant-tenant kelas atas. Selanjutnya masih ada Empire Palace, mal exclusive berdesain antik, Surabaya Town Square, Lencmark, dll. Keberadaannya mungkin untuk disandingkan dengan Grand Indonesia, Pacific Place mal, Senayan City, dsb. Saingan mal kedua kota tersebut kian hari kian melejit, bersaing satu sama lain, meninggalkan kota-kota besar lainnya di indonesia.
Diposting oleh
8:36 AM
Label: Jakarta mal, Surabaya mal