Pada musim lebaran kali ini, bisa dipastikan kota solo akan ramai dikunjungi para pemudik. Biasanya mereka banyak yang datang dari kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, P.Sumatera, dll. Belum lagi bulan desember ini akan disambut lagi dengan perayaan natal dan tahun baru, bisa dipastikan kota solo akan semakin ramai. Hari libur merupakan hari yang cocok untuk bersantai-ria, bahkan melepas lelah setelah hamper 1 tahun bekerja full waktu. Sekarang berlibur ke kota solo sudah semakin mudah saja, bisa menggunakan jalan darat macam bus antar propinsi atau mengandalkan transportasi kereta api. Kalau mau lebih mudah, bisa juga membeli tiket pesawat untuk penerbangan langsung ke bandara adisumarno solo.
Untuk tujuan berbelanja, solo grand mal bisa menjadi alternative pilihan utama dalam wisata belanja. Mal terbesar di seluruh kota solo tersebut menyediakan berbagai macam kebutuhan dengan lengkap. Terletak dijalan Slamet Riyadi no.273 yang merupakan jalan protocol utama, solo grand mal / SGM mudah diakses oleh berbagai macam lapisan masyarakat. Tampilan bangunannya cukup megah dan menyediakan lahan serta gedung parkir yang luas sebagai penampung kendaraan bermotor para shoppers. Toko-toko yang tersedia didalamnya cukup lengkap, ada gerai sekelas hypermart untuk berbelanja kebutuhan pokok, toko buku, breadtalk, matahari department store (MDS) untuk berburu fashion-fashion terbaru, arena food court yang lengkap dan sampai kebutuhan rekreasi untuk permainan hiburan keluarga macam amazone. Mal besar ini juga mengikuti perkembangan mode seperti di mal-mal utama Jakarta macam plaza Indonesia atau plaza senayan yang selalu mengidentikkan fashion, arloji, sepatu, sebagai trend terdepan dalam perkembangan jaman khususnya yang berhubungan dengan modernitas suatu shopping centre. Akhir kata, nikmatilah wisata belanja anda dikota solo sambil berkunjung ke solo grand mal
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Solo grand mal, aset berharga dikota bengawan
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8:16 AM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Dubai (in Arabic: دبيّ, Dubayy, /dʊ'baɪ/ in English) can either refer to one of the seven emirates that constitute United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the eastern Arabian Peninsula, or that emirate's main city, sometimes called "Dubai city" to distinguish it from the emirate. The modern emirate of Dubai was created with the formation of the United Arab Emirates in 1971. However, written accounts documenting the existence of the city have existed at least 150 years prior to the formation of the UAE. Dubai shares legal, political, military and economic functions with the other emirates within a federal framework, although each emirate has jurisdiction over some functions such as civic law enforcement and provision and upkeep of local facilities. Dubai has the largest population and is the second largest emirate by area, after Abu Dhabi.[4] With Abu Dhabi, it is one of only two emirates to possess veto power over critical matters of national importance in the UAE.[5] Dubai has been ruled by the Al Maktoum dynasty since 1833. The city's current ruler, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is also the Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE.
Revenues from petroleum and natural gas contribute less than 3% of Dubai's US$ 46 billion economy (2006).[6] A majority of the emirate's revenues are from the Jebel Ali free zone authority (JAFZA)[7] and, increasingly, from tourism and other service businesses. As of 2007, 800 new residents were setting up home in Dubai every day.[8] Dubai has attracted world-wide attention through innovative real estate projects [9] and sports events. This increased attention, coinciding with its emergence as a world business hub, has also highlighted human rights issues concerning its largely foreign workforce.
Dubai's gross domestic product as of 2006 was US$46 billion. Although Dubai's economy was built on the back of the oil industry,[39] revenues from oil and natural gas currently account for less than 3% of the emirate's revenues. It is estimated that Dubai produces 240,000 barrels of oil a day and substantial quantities of gas from offshore fields. The emirate's share in UAE's gas revenues is about 2%. Dubai's oil reserves have diminished significantly and are expected to be exhausted in 20 years.[40]
Historically, Dubai and its twin across the Dubai creek, Deira (independent of Dubai City at that time), became important ports of call for Western manufacturers. Most of the new city's banking and financial centres were headquartered in the port area. Dubai maintained its importance as a trade route through the 1970s and 1980s. The city of Dubai has a free trade in gold and until the 1990s was the hub of a "brisk smuggling trade" of gold ingots to India, where gold import was restricted.
Dubai is an important tourist destination and its port, Jebel Ali, constructed in the 1970s, has the largest man-made harbour in the world. Dubai is also increasingly developing as a hub for service industries such as IT and finance, with the establishment of a new Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). The government has set up industry-specific free zones throughout the city. Dubai Internet City, combined with Dubai Media City as part of TECOM (Dubai Technology, Electronic Commerce and Media Free Zone Authority) is one such enclave whose members include IT firms such as EMC Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Microsoft, and IBM, and media organisations such as MBC, CNN, Reuters and AP.
The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) was established in March 2000 as a secondary market for trading securities and bonds, both local and foreign. As of Q4 2006, its trading volume stood at about 400 billion shares worth US$ 95 billion. The DFM had a market capitalization of about US$ 87 billion.[37]
The government's decision to diversify from a trade-based but oil-reliant economy to one that is service and tourism-oriented has made real estate more valuable, resulting in the property appreciation from 2004–2006. Large scale real estate development projects, undertaken by firms such as Emaar Properties, have led to the construction of some of the tallest skyscrapers in the world such as the Emirates Towers, the Pentominium and the world's tallest hotel, the Burj Al Arab.[41] As of July 2007, Burj Dubai -also being constructed by Emaar Properties- is already the world's tallest structure and is expected to be taller by several hundred feet, once construction is complete.[42]
Recently, the Land Department set up the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) to regulate developers and safeguard consumers from errant parties. All developers are required to register with the RERA, provide documents and verifiable facts about their properties, and setup escrow accounts to protect consumers' money. KM Properties, a member of KM Holding, was the first company to register with the Land Department.
Organisations within Dubai have expressed an intention to invest in medical tourism, including the Emaar group's plans in India [1]. Within Dubai, there is considerable interest in developing this market, and the Dubai Healthcare City is scheduled to open by 2010. [2]. There will be a corresponding increasing need for attention to quality and to quality control in healthcare within Dubai, including international healthcare accreditation.
See also: Developments in Dubai and Tourism in Dubai
from wikipedia
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8:19 AM